Best Skin Rejuvenation Cure and Therapies for PRP

Skin is one of the major organs of our body. It is also the most noticed one. Let it be collages, work place or any social gathering and looking good starts from the perfect skin. But with today’s lifestyle, stress and pollution it is a major concern. With age, the skin slumps and needs special care. PRP treatment is the right cure for such concerns.


Skin rejuvenation

It depends on an individual’s skin types, age, ethnicity, sun exposure and overall health. Some points to keep in mind by skin specialist in Malviya Nagar towards skin rejuvenation

  1. Sun protection

 You must do everything possible to protect your skin from the sun. It can be sun blocks, hats, umbrellas or scarfs. The protection is the key to a new skin. Once the damage is reduced you can start working towards rejuvenation.

  1. Using the right cream or lotion

 Most of the PRP treatments in Delhi have proven that tropical creams help in advance treatment. Using vitamin A serum would help the skin to feel richer and lighter from within. Products like tretinoin and retinol are great suggestions by experts. A lot of people also use green tea extracts for a herbal and non-chemical usage.

  1. Regular exfoliation

 The skin needs care while we plan to make it healthier. Use topical AHA/BHA products or the peels and masks which are easily available in the market. Once in a week mask application is advisable.

Therapies for PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma is a natural product created from your own body.  Specialist takes your blood sample to then take it back to the lab and separate the red and white blood cells . Then they are further dived into blood platelets and blood plasma. This plasma which has been drawn out from your body contains more than normal amount of blood platelets and is called platelet rich plasma.

  1. PRP with fillers

This is one of the most effective PRP therapies. In a lay man’s language it is also known as lifts

  1. PRP injection therapy

With the help of the injection activated PRP will be injected to the areas which need to be treated. The results are quite similar to PRP with fillers.

  1. PRP with Laser

This kind has the ability or the power to retexture the affected area. Laser helps to resurface and create a high healing ability within the area

  1. PRP Facial

The activated PRP is applied on the skin with the help of tiny needles.

Causes Of Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss in men is a common thing now. This can be due to stress. There can be genetic reasons too behind this. But, whatever the cause may be, the point is that there should be proper treatment for the same. Just get in touch with best dermatologist in Delhi- Magical Morphers. You will surely be able to fetch the benefits.

hair transplant....

What can be the probable causes of hair loss in men?

It is true that when you have to treat hair loss you must know about the cause. But sometimes, this can be without any cause. Like, you may not even know that you are deficient in vitamins and then you would face issues like hair loss. It is therefore vital to take good care of your diet too.

  • The major cause of hair loss can be anemia or iron deficiency.
  • There can be scalp related infections and this is also one of the major causes of hair loss in men. It is important to treat the scalp infection first.
  • Hair loss can be due to using lot of styling products. Make sure you use them but in limit. Also, it is good to use reputed brands and if possible the organic products for hair loss.
  • If you are in Delhi then you can seek help of best dermatologist in Delhi. Often dandruff would create issues for your skin too. This is because dandruff can create pimples too. Also, dandruff can lead to hair loss and so it is vital to treat dandruff first.

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